FEAD (Fast and Efficient Autonomous Delivery) is a biplane-quad tailsitter drone which served as intercity delivery vehicle, designed to fill the gap of the existing delivery vehicles.

    3rd Winner of KRTI 2020 in Airframe Technology Development with Atyasa Bramantya Team - Aksantara ITB

    FEAD (Fast and Efficient Autonomous Delivery)

    FEAD (Fast and Efficient Autonomous Delivery)

    Currently, there are trucks and cars which are used as delivery vehicles. The problem with these vehicles is that they have to travel on the roads, which take a lot of time to deliver the packages. FEAD can travel on the air, and thus it is more efficient than the trucks and cars. It can take off and landing vertically in VTOL mode and crusing in FW mode. It is equipped with modular payload bay, aerodynamic, and high accessibility to the end user. FEAD has higher manouverability with its streamlined design due to the lift coefficient through narrow wingspan. It is quicker to deliver payloads, with less landing and launching time, and there is also precise payload delivery. FEAD expected to be alternative for delivery method and trendsetter of UAV delivery technology development in Indonesia.

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    CAD Design using Solidworks

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    Manufacturing Method

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    Photo Documentation

    Photo Documentation